And this realization brought home a lesson from a book I'm reading, Women, Work, & the Art of Savoir Faire
I think I need a short-term goal system. In fact, I know I do. Even random confluences are popping up around me, in which I responded to two different threads on a writing community about using short-term goals instead of long-term. Someone is trying to tell me somthing, and I am ready to listen.
You see, in the past, long-term goals were enough. Ten years later, now, they aren't. So while riding in the car to work a few days back, I came up with some ideas on how to implement it. One of which is inspired by several sources, such as Julia Cameron's Artist's Way
I'll combine the advice from above, and I will figure out a schedule. What is needed to get a certain length of work done. I'll figure out what to write each session or each day, pad it well, and then I will forget this end-goal date. I'll focus instead only on what I need to do in this session or that day, and at the end of it I'll write, "It is good." Positive affirmations on bite-sized successes. I'll not focus on the finish line that seems so far away, but the little milestones that litter the path, and I will savor that simple but important victory. That's something I haven't done in a long time, but I know is needed now. After all, if I savor the small victories, eventually I will reach the big one too without even worrying about it. Well, maybe a little, it's in my nature--but at least not as much. :-)
(This post took 42 minutes to create, from conception to posting.)
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