After a sick break and pre-nano distractions, I am finally back on track with my novel, Letters of the Dead. I hope to finish my current touch-up tomorrow, and then take a brief break to work on test formatting that novelette I was talking about. Still haven't heard word from the e-publishers, though. So, I don't expect to get it done for my birthday after all, but I will check up with them then. But it will be good practice to format that piece as an ebook. So that covers Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Friday, however, I will also resume working on LotD. It will be a pure read-through, just to make sure it is indeed ready for the grammar pass scheduled to start this weekend. After that, I'll use what I learned from formatting practice on the novelette and begin formatting LotD. One last proof in that format, then it should be ready to upload on Halloween.
So, though it might be a tight deadline, I can still make it. And I will be glad when it is done. Just this year alone, since I decided to focus on this novel as my first ebook, I've clocked over 80 hours on its revisions. But the novel is so much better for it.
Recommended Reading List: September 2024
11 hours ago
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