Saturday, September 1, 2012

61 Mile Yardsale Goal: 100 Books for Less than $100

Well, I've been inactive thanks to a three-day yardsale called The 61 Mile Yardsale.  This started Thursday and ended today, Saturday, Sept. 1, and it runs along Missouri Highway 61.  I bought a lot of stuff, but the main thing I look for at yardsales is books.  I set a goal to buy a 100 books for less than $100.  I reached that goal, easily.  I bought a 140 books at a grand total of $42.80.  This averages out to about $0.31 each.  Can't beat that!  Anyway, there were more fiction books than nonfiction, about 79 compare to 54.  And most of that fiction was historical, 69 of them.

Here is the actual list of books, broken down by Title; Author/Editor/Translator/Publisher; Genre; Price and organized by genre:

  1. The Programmed Classics: The Odyssey; Robert Fitzgerald; Poetry;  $0.50

  2. The Programmed Classics: Selected Poems of Byron, Keats, and Shelley; Elliot Coleman; Poetry;  $0.50

  3. The Programmed Classics: The Iliad; Richmond Lattimore; Poetry;  $0.50

  4. The Programmed Classics: Divine Comedy; Dante Alighieri; Poetry;  $0.50

  5. The Programmed Classics: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare #1; Clark/Wright; Play/Poetry;  $0.50

  6. The Programmed Classics: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare #2; Clark/Wright; Play/Poetry;  $0.50

  7. Writer Mamma; Christina Katz; Nonfiction-Writing;  $0.20

  8. On Writing Well; William Zinsser; Nonfiction-Writing;  $0.20

  9. Merriam Webster's Vocabulary Builder; Merriam Webster; Nonfiction-Writing;  $0.25

  10. Napolean; Felix Markham; Nonfiction-History;  $0.25

  11. Don't Know Much About History; Kenneth C. Davis; Nonfiction-History;  $0.25

  12. Chouteau; Rhoda Wooldridge; Nonfiction-History;  $0.20

  13. A Love Affair with India; Martha Gansalus Chamberlain; Nonfiction-History;  $0.20

  14. Elizabeth and Catherine; Robert Coughlan; Nonfiction-History;  $0.20

  15. The Story of the Bahamas; Paul Albury; Nonfiction-History;  $0.20

  16. A Field Guide to American Houses; Virginia and Lee McAlester; Nonfiction-History;  $0.20

  17. Country Antiques and Collectibles; Carter Smith; Nonfiction-History;  $0.50

  18. The Golden Book of America; Golden Book; Nonfiction-History;  $0.50

  19. Is It Genuine; W. Crawley; Nonfiction-History;  $0.50

  20. Historic Homes of America; James Tackach; Nonfiction-History;  $0.50

  21. Thoreau: Walden and Other Writings; Joseph Wood Krutch; Nonfiction-History;  $0.25

  22. A History of Missouri Volume II; Perry McCandless; Nonfiction-History;  $0.25

  23. American Antiques; Norman Hudson; Nonfiction-History;  $0.50

  24. The Programmed Classics: Essays and Journals; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Nonfiction-History;  $0.50

  25. The Programmed Classics: Seven Pillars of Wisdom; T. E. Lawrence; Nonfiction-History;  $0.50

  26. The Programmed Classics: Bulfinch's Mythology; Thomas Bulfinch; Nonfiction-History;  $0.50

  27. The Programmed Classics: Travels of Marco Polo; Marsden/Wright; Nonfiction-History;  $0.50

  28. The Programmed Classics: The Auto-Biography of Benjamin Franklin; Benjamin Franklin; Nonfiction-History;  $0.50

  29. God's Word for Women; Barbour Pub.; Nonfiction-Christian;  $0.20

  30. The Letter to the Romans; William Barclay; Nonfiction-Christian;  $0.20

  31. Student New Testament; Tyndale Pub.; Nonfiction-Christian;  $0.20

  32. 30 Life Principles; Charles F. Stanley; Nonfiction-Christian;  $0.20

  33. 1 Corinthians; Navpress; Nonfiction-Christian;  $0.20

  34. Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse; Jim Bakker; Nonfiction-Christian;  $0.20

  35. Better Together; Rick Warren; Nonfiction-Christian;  $0.25

  36. ABC's of the Bible; Reader's Digest; Nonfiction-Christian;  $0.10

  37. Nuts!; Kevin Freiburg and Jackie Freiburg; Nonfiction-Business;  $0.20

  38. Missouri Reader; Frank Luther Mott; Nonfiction/Fiction;  $0.10

  39. Speed Reading Made Easy; Nila Banton Smith; Nonfiction;  $0.25

  40. Using Plants for Healing; Nelson Coon; Nonfiction;  $0.20

  41. Self-Hypnosis; Leslie M. Lecron; Nonfiction;  $0.20

  42. You Just Don't Understand; Deborah Tannen; Nonfiction;  $0.20

  43. Presidential Wives; Paul F. Boller Jr.; Nonfiction;  $0.20

  44. Queen Anne's Lace Blooms Again; Mary Jane Hartman; Nonfiction;  $0.20

  45. 99 Ways to a Simple Lifestyle; Center for Science in the Public Interest; Nonfiction;  $0.20

  46. Positive Imaging; Norman Vincent Peale; Nonfiction;  $0.20

  47. Developing Psychic Abilities; Apryl J. Douglas; Nonfiction;  $0.20

  48. Psychic Self-Defense and Well-Being; Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips; Nonfiction;  $0.20

  49. Animal Miracles; Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger; Nonfiction;  $0.20

  50. Lessons for Life; Sylvia Browne; Nonfiction;  $0.50

  51. Legends of Blood; Wayne Bartlett and Flavia Idiceanu; Nonfiction;  $0.25

  52. Back to Eden; Jethro Kloss; Nonfiction;  $0.25

  53. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees: Eastern Region; Elbert L. Little; Nonfiction;  $0.50

  54. The Little Book of Medical Breakthroughs; Dr. Naomi Craft; Nonfiction;  $0.05

  55. As a Man Thinketh; James Allen; Nonfiction;  $0.10

  56. The Coming Aristocracy; Oliver DeMille; Nonfiction;  $0.25

  57. And How Are We Feeling Today?; Kathryn Hammer; Nonfiction;  $1.00

  58. The Essence of Vedanta; Brian Hodgkinson; Nonfiction;  $0.25

  59. American Swamps and Wetlands; William K. Smithey; Nonfiction;  $0.10

  60. Roughing It Easy; Dian Thomas; Nonfiction;  $0.25

  61. The Life of Birds; Joel Carl Welty; Nonfiction;  $0.25

  62. The Giver; Lois Lowry; Fiction-Novel-Specfic;  $0.50

  63. The Probable Future; Alice Hoffman; Fiction-Novel-Specfic;  $1.00

  64. The Renegades of Pern; Anne McCaffrey; Fiction-Novel-Science Fiction;  $0.25

  65. Deathbringer; Bryan Smith; Fiction-Novel-Horror;  $0.20

  66. The Stout-Hearted Seven; Neta Lohnes Frazier; Fiction-Novel-History;  $1.00

  67. Margaret's Story; Eugenia Price; Fiction-Novel-History;  $1.00

  68. Maria; Eugenia Price; Fiction-Novel-History;  $1.00

  69. Victoria and the Rogue; Meg Cabot; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  70. The Weaver's Daughter; Elizabeth Jeffrey; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  71. The Regency Trio; Clare Darcy; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  72. A Gathering of Days; Joan w. Blos; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  73. Warwyck's Woman; Rosalind Laker; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  74. Embers of Love; Tracie Peterson; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  75. The French Passion; Diane du Pont; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  76. Gwendolen; Clare Darcy; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  77. The Axe of Bronze; Kurt Schmeltzer; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  78. Three Complete Fiction-Novel-s:; Barbara Cartland; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  79. The Landower Legacy; Victoria Holt; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  80. "The Passion and the Flower; Love;  Lords;  and Lady-Birds"; Barbara Cartland; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  81. Adam Bede; George Eliot; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  82. The Pride of the Peacock; Victoria Holt; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.20

  83. The Incorrigible Lady Catherine; Elena Greene; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  84. The Sea Eagles; John Jennings; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  85. Lord of the Far Island; Victoria Holt; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  86. Destiny's Women; Willo Davis Roberts; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  87. Captured by the Mohawks; Sterling North; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.50

  88. The Return of Sherlock Holmes; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.50

  89. Temple's Prize; Linda Castle; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  90. Young Hornblower; C. S. Forester; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  91. The Complete Adventures and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes; Arthur Conan Doyle; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  92. The Programmed Classics: Crime and Punishment; Ffyodor Dostoevsky; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.50

  93. The Programmed Classics: War and Peace; Leo Tolstoy; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.50

  94. The Programmed Classics: Last Days of Pompeii; Edward Bulwer Lytton; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.50

  95. Red Bird; Stephanie Grace Whitson; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.10

  96. Sooner or Later; Vickie McDonough; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  97. Impetuous Innocent; Stephanie Laurens; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  98. Thomasina; Marianne Willman; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.10

  99. King's Man; Caryn Cameron; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.10

  100. The Governess Wears Scarlet; Sari Robins; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.50

  101. Proper Conduct; Shannon Donnelly; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.50

  102. Cupid's Dart; Maggie MacKeever; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.50

  103. The Rose and the Shield; Elaine Barbieri; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.50

  104. The Love Knot; Rebecca Brandewyne; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.50

  105. Much Obliged; Jessica Benson; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  106. The Finer Things; Brenda Joyce; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  107. For My Lady's Heart; Laura Kinsale; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  108. Nevada Nights; Georgina Gentry; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  109. All I Desire; Rosemary Rogers; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.17

  110. The Secret Duchess; Gayle Wilson; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.17

  111. Angel in a Red Dress; Judith Ivory; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.17

  112. Autumn Lover; Elizabeth Lowell; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.17

  113. Skylark; Jo Beverley; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.17

  114. Dream of Me AND Believe in Me; Josie Litton; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.17

  115. Never Again; Jo-Ann Power; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.16

  116. Kissed by Shadows; Jane Feather; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.16

  117. A Season for Scandal; Stephanie Laurens; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.16

  118. The Wedding Gamble; Julia Justiss; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  119. Robber Bride; Deborah Simmons; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  120. The Marriage Knot; Mary McBride; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  121. Taming the Lion; Suzanne Barclay; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  122. Love, Forever More; Patricia Matthews; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  123. The Penniless Peer; Barbara Cartland; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  124. A Rose for Danger; Marguerite Bell; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  125. Fool's Paradise; Tori Phillips; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  126. Beauty and the Beast; Taylor Ryan; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  127. Tempted; Laurel Ames; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  128. Tea and Scandal; Joan Smith; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  129. The Unromantic Lady; Penelope Stratton; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  130. The Pearl Stallion; Rae Muir; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  131. Dare to Love; Jennifer Wilde; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  132. Wicked Loving Lies; Rosemary Rogers; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  133. Rules of Attraction; Christina Dodd; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  134. Lord Ramsay's Return; Elizabeth Fairchild; Fiction-Novel-History;  $0.25

  135. The Last Apprentice; Joseph Delaney; Fiction-Novel-Fantasy;  $0.20

  136. The Gate of the Gods; Martha Wells; Fiction-Novel-Fantasy;  $0.20

  137. The King; David Feintuch; Fiction-Novel-Fantasy;  $0.10

  138. The Shadow Theives; Anne Ursu; Fiction-Novel-Fantasy;  $0.75

  139. The Programmed Classics: Cantebury Tales; Geoffry Chaucer; Fiction-History;  $0.50

  140. The Programmed Classics: Selections from Arabian Nights; Richard Burton; Fiction-History;  $0.50



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